Bigger, faster, weaker
Hello! Happy warm weather again.
This week, more bedroom trim. I’ve now done most of it, but it’s like playing pick-up sticks and I can only do a few pieces each time while the glue dries:
For the lighting coves I was planning to also glue them, but curving and holding those in place is frustrating so I’ve ordered some more screws.
This afternoon I was about to panel the bathroom ceiling to feel some progress, but then remembered I need to run wiring and pipes above it first… focus, Nicholas! Thankfully the bedroom’s almost done; I can feel the pull of starting the next thing.
Yesterday, Saturday, I took a hiatus to check out Katona’s competition at the Southampton Boat Show. Only expecting to find the sea-faring kind, I was surprised near the entrance to find the one-and-only narrowboat!
The rest were indeed yachts and motorboats:
A bowsprit on Katona and I could sink them all, they wouldn’t stand a chance (but I couldn’t stand a wave).
We dallied awhile with the owner of a semi-custom Rustler 42; beautifully fitted-out, he involved himself throughout the 2-year build and knew the boat inside-out. One of the day’s highlights, and I did like the control panels:
And then we found this speedy-looking red yacht, possibly Katona’s cousin:
A “fast family cruiser,” it looked fancy but I wouldn’t call it cosy — inside it was modern and quite minimalist, nothing homely about it. Not even a fireplace.
Back to (narrow-)boating today, and the marina heron taking flight:
Until next Sunday!
- Nick