Future Nick problems

Hello! And happy March :D

First thing on the list this week, heating pipes:

I found a better way to lay them this time, but they're still a pain. And then installing the drains:

With some tests they do drain, mostly, but given the small tolerances I'm unsure how well they'll work. It could be perfect, but I'm afraid I've tried to be too clever...

I also finished the varnishing, finally, and then installed the bathroom shelves:

They look so good! And exactly how I imagined. Then I could finish the tiling board, and I started sealing the shower side before running out of sealant:

Which, right next to a door looks a bit silly; it feels a bit like I’ve built a secure, padlocked gate where you can walk around the side. The boat is listing to starboard and with some luck it'll be fine, but water might puddle and run down through the door... we'll see, I may need to build a barrier or something; future Nick problems!

And this afternoon I made that cupboard door:

Originally I planned to get some fancy opening mechanism when I realised... magnets. I can just use magnets, and removing the door completely is a feature for easier access.

Next up before tiling I need to finish the sealing and lay the floor membrane, and speaking of tiles — this week I ordered ones for the walls, 909 of them (12m²), weighing 310kg (683lbs)! They arrive on Tuesday, and I'll start laying those before deciding what colour to do the floor.

Also here are some of my neighbours:

Until next Sunday!

- Nick